• Infrared Sauna Memberships

    8-30 Minute Sessions-------$100

    8-30 Minute Sessions w/Redlight Therapy-------------------$150

    4-30 Minute Sessions--------$75

    4-30 Minute Sessions w/Redlight Therapy--------------------$85

    Student Membership (4-30 minute sessions)------------------$69

  • Halotherapy Memberships

    8-10 Minute Sessions-----$100

    8-20 Minute Sessions-----$150

    4-10 Minute Sessions------$85

    4-20 Minute Sessions-----$120

  • Cold Plunge & Contrast Therapy Memberships

    *Contrast therapy is a 45 minute session of Infrared Sauna + Cold Plunge

    8 Cold Plunge Experiences--$100

    8 Contrast Therapy --------$200

    8 Contrast + RLT-----------$240

    4 Contrast Therapy---------$145

    4 Contrast + RLT------------$155

  • Float Therapy Memberships

    1-60 min float------$49

    +additional floats in the month = $39/float

    1-90 min float------$69

    +additional floats in the month = $59/float

Looking to have a friend join you? Let them share for 50% off!

To enjoy the benefits of our memberships, a minimum commitment of 1 month is required. Members will receive an automatic 15% off additional services and 10% off select products upon enrolling. Furthermore, members will be automatically enrolled in our referral program, which gives you the chance to earn free sessions. Memberships & Packages are purchased in store at time of service. Please book the service you would like to obtain a membership for and our staff will help you enroll at your appointment. Monthly memberships automically continue until the Luminary has been notified prior to the next billing cycle if you choose to pause, discontinue, or change your membership.

Membership credits DO NOT roll over and CANNOT be shared across profiles with others.

  • Float Therapy Sessions

    1-60 Minute-------------$70

    1-90 Minute-------------$90

  • Infrared Sauna/Red Light Therapy (RLT) Sessions

    30 Min Sauna--------------$30

    30 Min Sauna w/RLP--------$35

    30 Min Redlight Therapy-----$25

    2 Person 30 min sauna+RLT --$50

  • Halotherapy Sessions

    10 Minute Session-----$35

    20 Minute Session-----$50

  • Cold Plunge & Contrast Therapy Sessions

    1 Cold Plunge Experience---$25

    1 Contrast Therapy---$60

    2 Person Contrast Therapy---$75

  • Package Deals

    *Packages can be used as desired and expire 1 year from purchase

    4 Cold Plunge--------$80

    4 Contrast Therapy ---$200

    4 Contrast + RLT------$240

    4 Infrared Sauna------$100

    4 Sauna + RLT--------$120

    4 60 min Floats-------$200